The Top 10 Amazing Terrible Giant Habits of Akita Dog Breeds

The Akita is a large, powerful dog breed known for its loyalty and imposing presence. Originating from Japan, these dogs have a rich history and a distinctive personality. While they are often cherished for their protective and devoted nature, Akitas also have some notable habits that can be challenging for their owners. Here are the top 10 amazing yet terrible giant habits of Akita dog breeds. Some Akitas may exhibit food aggression, guarding their food from other pets and even people. It’s important to address this behavior early on through training and positive reinforcement.


Akitas are notoriously stubborn. Once they set their mind on something, it’s challenging to change it. This can make training difficult, requiring patience and consistency from their owners.


With their strong-willed nature, Akitas often display dominant behavior. They need a firm, confident owner who can establish clear leadership and boundaries.

Territorial Instincts

Akitas are highly territorial and protective of their home and family. While this makes them excellent guard dogs, it can lead to aggression towards strangers and other animals.

High Prey Drive

This breed has a strong prey drive, often chasing after small animals. Owners need to be cautious and ensure that their Akita is securely leashed or in a fenced area.


Akitas are independent thinkers, which means they don’t always seek approval from their owners. This trait can be both a blessing and a curse, as it requires a balance between giving them space and ensuring they follow commands.

Excessive Shedding

Akitas have a thick double coat that sheds heavily, especially during the shedding season. This requires regular grooming to manage the fur around the house.

Aloofness with Strangers

While Akitas are affectionate with their family, they are often aloof or indifferent towards strangers. Socialization from an early age is crucial to mitigate this behavior.

Noise Sensitivity

Akitas can be sensitive to loud noises, which may cause anxiety or stress. Providing a calm and stable environment helps in managing their reactions to sudden sounds.

Food Aggression

Some Akitas may exhibit food aggression, guarding their food from other pets and even people. It’s important to address this behavior early on through training and positive reinforcement.


Despite their independent nature, Akitas do not like to be left alone for extended periods. They can become destructive if they feel lonely or bored, necessitating regular interaction and mental stimulation.


Akitas are majestic and loyal companions with a unique set of characteristics that can be both endearing and challenging. Understanding their habits and providing proper training, socialization, and care can help manage these behaviors, ensuring a harmonious relationship between the Akita and their owner. With the right approach, the amazing aspects of these habits can be enhanced while mitigating the more terrible ones, leading to a fulfilling companionship.


Are Akitas good family pets?

Yes, Akitas can be excellent family pets with proper training and socialization. They are loyal and protective, making them great companions.

How much exercise do Akitas need?

Akitas require moderate exercise, including daily walks and playtime. Mental stimulation is also important to keep them engaged.

Can Akitas live with other pets?

Akitas can live with other pets if they are properly socialized from a young age. However, their strong prey drive can be a challenge.

How do I manage an Akita’s shedding?

Regular grooming, including brushing several times a week, helps manage an Akita’s shedding. During heavy shedding seasons, more frequent grooming may be necessary.

What is the best way to train an Akita?

Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to training an Akita. Establishing clear boundaries and using reward-based methods can be effective.

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