The 10 Aggressive Various Habits of Corgi Dog Breeds in USA

Corgis are adorable and intelligent dog breeds known for their short legs, long bodies, and big personalities. While they are generally friendly and affectionate, like any other dog breed, Corgis can display certain aggressive behaviors if not properly trained or socialized. Understanding these aggressive tendencies can help Corgi owners address and manage them effectively. Here are ten aggressive habits commonly observed in Corgi dog breeds in the USA:

Resource Guarding

Corgis, like many other dog breeds, may exhibit resource guarding behavior. This includes growling, snapping, or even biting when they feel their food, toys, or territory is being threatened. It’s essential to teach Corgis from an early age that sharing is caring and to discourage possessive behaviors.

Territorial Aggression

Corgis are known to be territorial, often barking excessively or even acting aggressively towards unfamiliar people or animals encroaching on their perceived territory. Proper socialization and training can help Corgis differentiate between genuine threats and harmless intrusions.

Herding Instincts

As herding dogs, Corgis have a natural instinct to chase and nip at moving objects, including children, other pets, or even strangers. While this behavior is rooted in their genetics, it can become problematic if not properly managed. Training and redirecting this instinct towards appropriate activities can help mitigate aggressive tendencies stemming from their herding instincts.

Fear Aggression

Corgis, despite their bold appearance, can be sensitive dogs. When they feel threatened or frightened, they may react aggressively as a defense mechanism. It’s crucial for owners to create a safe and nurturing environment for their Corgis and to expose them to various social situations gradually to build their confidence.

Unwanted Touch Sensitivity

Some Corgis may display sensitivity to being touched, especially in certain areas of their body. This sensitivity can lead to aggressive reactions such as snapping or growling when touched unexpectedly or in a manner they perceive as uncomfortable. Gentle handling and positive reinforcement can help Corgis become more tolerant of touch.

Leash Reactivity

Corgis, if not properly trained, can exhibit leash reactivity, lunging, barking, or growling at other dogs or people while on a leash. This behavior is often rooted in frustration or anxiety and can be managed through consistent training and positive reinforcement techniques.

Dog-Dog Aggression

While Corgis can be friendly and sociable with other dogs, some individuals may display aggression towards other canines, especially those of the same sex. Early socialization and controlled introductions to other dogs can help prevent or minimize aggressive behaviors towards other dogs.

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Corgis are known for their strong desire for attention and may resort to demanding behaviors such as barking, pawing, or even nipping to get their owner’s attention. Ignoring these behaviors and rewarding calm, polite behavior can help curb attention-seeking aggression.

Separation Anxiety

Corgis are highly social dogs and can develop separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods. This anxiety can manifest in destructive behaviors, excessive barking, or even aggression. Gradual desensitization to being alone and providing plenty of mental and physical stimulation can help alleviate separation anxiety in Corgis.

Dominance Aggression

In some cases, Corgis may exhibit dominant behavior, attempting to assert themselves as the alpha in the household. This can lead to aggressive displays such as growling, snapping, or even challenging their owners for control. Consistent leadership and positive reinforcement training are essential to address and prevent dominance-related aggression in Corgis.


While Corgis are undeniably charming and lovable companions, it’s essential for owners to be aware of potential aggressive behaviors that may arise in these intelligent and spirited dogs. With early socialization, consistent training, and positive reinforcement, many of these aggressive tendencies can be effectively managed, allowing Corgis to thrive as well-behaved and well-adjusted family pets.


Are Corgis naturally aggressive dogs?

No, Corgis are not naturally aggressive, but they can exhibit certain aggressive behaviors if not properly trained or socialized.

How can I prevent resource guarding in my Corgi?

Prevent resource guarding in Corgis by teaching them to associate positive experiences with people approaching their resources and by practicing trading games.

Is it normal for Corgis to bark a lot?

Yes, Corgis are known to bark frequently, but excessive barking can often be curbed through proper training and mental stimulation.

Can separation anxiety in Corgis be treated?

Yes, separation anxiety in Corgis can be treated through gradual desensitization to being alone, providing mental stimulation, and sometimes with the help of a professional trainer or behaviorist.

How can I safely introduce my Corgi to other dogs?

Safely introduce your Corgi to other dogs by choosing neutral territory, keeping interactions brief and positive, and closely monitoring their body language for signs of stress or aggression.

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