Nice 8 Outstanding Aggressive Traits of Russian Blue

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Protective Nature

Russian Blues are very protective of their territory and owners, showing aggression towards perceived threats.

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Strong Hunting Instinct

With a strong hunting instinct, Russian Blues may show aggressive behavior during play and hunting activities.

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Territorial Aggression

They can be territorial, often displaying aggression towards other cats and animals invading their space.

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Assertive Communication

Russian Blues communicate assertively, sometimes using aggression to express their needs and dislikes.

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Playful Aggression

Their play can be intense, sometimes crossing into aggressive behavior, especially with interactive toys.

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Social Hierarchy

In multi-cat households, Russian Blues may show aggression to establish social hierarchy.

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Handling Stress

When stressed or uncomfortable, Russian Blues can become aggressive as a defense mechanism.

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Training Challenges

Training can be challenging due to their independent and sometimes aggressive nature.

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